Quick Microbrush Stamp Technique for Composite Restoration


Time is really important factor in dental practice. We would now be describing a quick way to get anatomical occlusal surface features to the composite restoration in cases where the occlusion is normal before the restoration process is started.

Here are the steps :

1) Place flowable composite over the occlusal surface of the tooth to be prepared (No Etch or Bond).

2) Stick a microbrush into the composite (not touching the tooth underneath) and light cure so that this acts as a handle for the occlusal stamp.

3) Remove caries, etch, bond, build dentin layers (incrementally) and stop short of full contour.

4) Place final increment with Enamel shade over the occlusal surface (do not cure).

5) Place teflon tape over tooth as a separating medium.

6) Place stamp onto the tooth and remove any excess which extrudes.

7) Remove the stamp (make any final adjustments) and light cure.

8) Check occlusion

9) Finish and Polish




  • Quickly gives anatomical features to the restoration.
  • Occlusion is unaltered before and after the restoration.
  • Aesthetic results.


  • Cannot be used in all cases.
  • Pre-restoration evaluation must be done to ensure occlusion is normal.
  • Grossly carious teeth cannot be restored with this technique.

Feel free to ask any questions related.

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